About Us

At Ibisik.com, we provide authentic information on crypto platforms, online shopping websites, products, text messages, job opportunities, and many more. Our mission is to help users understand the risks and challenges of the digital world and avoid being victims of scams.

Helpful Content

We offer a variety of content in various categories, all which were written and fact-checked by professionals. When writing reviews on this site, we use the following guidelines:

  • Honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on the products being reviewed.
  • We never accept compensation to write a review.
  • Real user review – we sometimes purchase the product ourselves or are given the product by the company. If we are given the product, it will be stated in the review.
  • The reviewed item is given away as a promotion on our social media pages after each review.
  • Advertisers on our site may also be a company who’s product we are reviewing. Their advertising, though, will have no bearing on how we review their product

Tools for Identifying Scams

We utilize different tools during our research and investigation. Tools like – Who.is (domain checker tool), scam-detector.com ( website safety score), VirusTotal (a virus and spam detection tool), Reverse Image Search (an image verification tool) etc.

We use these to verify the legitimacy of a website, platform, text message, online store, etc. We also comb through forums and social media platforms to get honest user experiences which we quote in our content.


Our daily work at ibisik.com brings positive results. The vast majority of users who follow our guides successfully escape being victims of dubious crypto platforms, deceptive marketing scam, phishing, vishing, and other kinds of social engineering scams.

We are proud to play a role in helping our users stay safe online and remain dedicated to providing high-quality information and resources for years to come.