Looking for a cheap rental car and see an ad claiming “no credit card needed”? Be cautious—this could be a scam by EZ Car Rental, a company known for deceiving customers.

EZ Car Rental Go2Bank Card

Overview of EZ Car Rental Go2Bank Card

The EZ Car Rental scam lures victims with an attractive offer to accept debit cards for rentals, appealing to those without credit cards. Once contacted, they require specific pre-paid cards and unusual amounts to be loaded.

After purchasing, they claim issues with the card, prompting more purchases with false promises of cash refunds upon delivery. Ultimately, the promised car never arrives, and communication becomes impossible, leaving victims with empty pre-paid cards and financial loss.

How Does EZ Car Rental Go2Bank Card Work

The EZ Car Rental scam starts with an ad offering debit card rentals, appealing to those without credit cards. Once you reach out, they request payment through specific pre-paid cards like Bank2Go or American Express gift cards, asking for exact amounts.

After providing the details, they claim an issue with the card and ask for another, promising a refund when the car arrives. However, the car never shows up, calls go unanswered, and you’re left with empty pre-paid cards and no money.

Exposing Red Flags

  • Requests for specific pre-paid cards: Reputable rental companies typically accept a range of payment methods.
  • Unusual payment amounts: This tactic aims to confuse and pressure you into compliance.
  • Promises of cash refunds upon car delivery: This is a classic bait-and-switch maneuver.
  • Communication challenges: If you find it hard to contact the company via phone or email, proceed with caution.

Ways To Protect Yourself from This Scam

  • Opt for established car rental services with a solid reputation.
  • These cards provide minimal consumer protection against scams.
  • If a price is significantly lower than others, it’s likely a red flag.
  • Credit cards offer superior fraud protection compared to debit cards.
  • Save copies of receipts, emails, and phone communications for your records.

By recognizing this scam and adhering to these guidelines, you can protect yourself from EZ Rentals and ensure a safe, hassle-free car rental experience.

If you suspect you’ve been scammed, report it to the authorities and your financial institution right away. Together, we can prevent these scammers from targeting unsuspecting customers.


By Dez

Dez is passionate about protecting people from all kinds of scams. Through in-depth research and analysis, he exposes potential scams or shady practices, provides genuine reviews about services and products, giving readers the facts they need.

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