Scammers are impersonating Lerynne West! They are sending emails to folks and claiming they are the Lottery winner and also want to give away some of the winnings. Continue reading for more info!

What Is The Lerynne West Lottery Scam

This Lerynne West Lottery Scam is a type of fraud that leverages the name of a real-life lottery winner to deceive people into sending money or personal information under the false pretense of receiving a generous donation or prize. These scammers claim they are giving away a part of their winnings to charity. They send an email and ask you to call a particular number.

Who Is Lerynne West?

Lerynne West is the winner of the Powerball lottery in November 2018. But Following her win, scammers have used her name and story to craft convincing fraud schemes.

How Does The Lerynne West Lottery Scam Work?

The Lerynne West Lottery Scam starts with scammers making contact, they send unsolicited messages via email, social media, or text. These messages claim to be from Lerynne West, stating that she is sharing her lottery winnings as part of a charitable effort. The scam message often includes details about Lerynne West’s actual lottery win to make the story more believable. The scammers then proceed to ask for personal information or money. To “receive” the supposed donation or prize, victims are asked to provide personal information such as their full name, address, and banking details. The scammers also ask for an advance fee to cover “processing” or “tax” charges before the money can be released. After the initial engagement, the scammers may continue to ask for more fees or personal details, stringing the victim along for as long as possible.

How To Identify Scams Like The Lerynne West Lottery Scam

  • Scammers will often reach out unexpectedly through email, social media, text messages, or phone calls.
  • They claim that a lottery winner is generously distributing their winnings and that you have been selected to receive a share.
  • The offers are always too good to be true.
  • The messages often convey a sense of urgency, suggesting that you need to act quickly to claim your prize.
  • Scammers may ask you to pay a fee upfront for processing, taxes, or delivery of the prize.

How To Protect Yourself From Scams Like The Lerynne West Lottery Scam

  • If you receive an offer from a lottery winner or charitable donation, search for the official contact information independently and verify the message through those channels.
  • Never provide personal or financial details in response to unsolicited communications.
  • Report any suspicious emails, messages, or calls to authorities such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or your country’s consumer protection agency.
  • Use email filters and anti-spam tools to block suspicious messages.


Lerynne West has stated that she would never randomly select people to contact and that she had set up a charitable foundation to give away some of her winnings, but not to random people. By staying vigilant and following these guidelines, you can protect yourself from becoming a victim of the Lerynne West scam or similar fraudulent schemes.

By Juliet

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