The Bloop

The mystery of the Bloop has been solved! The The Bloop Video has gone viral Tiktok with so many people asking if it is a real or Fake.

What Is The Bloop

The Bloop

The Bloop is a mysterious rumble recorded in the ocean in 1997 is now known to have originated from an icequake . The Bloop name emanated from the sound it made, which was recorded in the 90s. It was later discovered by NOAA scientists to be sound from an iceberg cracking and breaking away from an Antarctic glacier.

How We Discovered That The Bloop Came From Ice quake

Here’s how we uncovered the truth about the bloop:

  • It has been confirmed to be an Ice quake from NOAA scientists.
  •  The Bloop was the sound of an icequake—an iceberg cracking and breaking away from an Antarctic glacier!
  • The sound was that of ice floes rubbing together.
  • With global warming, more and more ice quakes occur annually, breaking off glaciers, cracking and eventually melting into the ocean.

Is The Bloop Real Or Fake?

When the incident of The Bloop first happened, it was believed to be  from secret underwater military exercises, ship engines, fishing boat winches, giant squids, whales, or a some sea creature unknown to science but in 2005, PMEL researchers continued to deploy hydrophones ever closer to Antarctica in an ongoing effort to study the sounds of sea floor volcanoes and earthquakes. During this research they the source of those thunderous rumbles from the deep which was The Bloop.

How To Stay Safe:

  • Be cautious of unknown accounts posting sensational pictures or videos.

Always approach viral content, especially on platforms like Facebook, Tiktok, with skepticism.

By Juliet

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